We market our produce as either fresh and unprocessed or fresh, pre-washed and packaged, ready for consumption.
Our crops are cultivated according to the integrated farming technique, to drastically reduce the use of pesticides, triggering a low environmental impact farming method, minimising risks for the environment and consumer health. The application of these principles is mirrored in the way we cultivate our land.
Land cultivation techniques: we use appropriate machinery to adequately and properly prepare the soil and land.
Fertigation: knowledge of the nutritional needs (regarding both minerals and water) of the crops and soil fertility.
Sowing: selection of certified high-quality seeds.
Irrigation: by means of wells, with periodical testing of the water to guarantee its potability.
Daily controls of the crops in the fields.
Customised treatments based on the type of crops and specific needs, by qualified personnel authorised to apply plant protection products with special irrigation techniques.
Harvesting: mechanised operation with harvesters operated by qualified and trained staff, capable of recognising readiness for harvesting.
Transport by means of refrigerated vehicles for suitably preserving the produce.